Why the "Best Team Money Can Buy" label is fine for Ohio State football

Ohio State is taking advantage of the rules and their king's ransom of NIL money to build their roster, and that's perfectly ok.

Adam Cairns/Columbus Dispatch / USA

I’ve heard the attempted taunts and I’m sure you have as well. When you look in the comments section of a social media post about an article written on Ohio State football, they are dotted with, “Best team money can buy.” Of course, this is in reference to the amount of NIL money the Buckeyes have available and the way they have bolstered their roster with quality players. My reply to this is, “Yeah…and?”

A Reminder

It isn’t surprising that the majority of those feeble barbs are from a fan base that fully supports, cheers on, and glorifies blatant cheating. So, here is a reminder to those folks: the use of NIL money is LEGAL. That word means within the rules.

I know that particular fan base really struggles with the concept of doing things within the rules and they are now doing their level well best to make it appear the Buckeyes are doing something untoward to build their roster. They’re not. Why? Because the use of NIL money is LEGAL.

Be Careful What You Ask For

For years, I heard fans across the country say college athletes should be paid. Now, we not only have NIL payouts, but revenue sharing is coming as well. Money is going directly to these athletes, but many of those same fans who wanted this are now unhappy.

They don’t like what is becoming of college athletics, because players are going to schools where they feel they’ll make the most money. Fans are really upset when their favorite school’s financial package being offered to recruits and potential transfers don’t measure up to what others can offer. I have no sympathy for these fans because they wanted college athletes to be paid. Be careful what you ask for, because you may not like what you get.

I’m a Traditionalist, but…

I’m very much a college football traditionalist. I wish the Big 12 was still the Big 8 and Nebraska and Oklahoma played every Thanksgiving weekend. I wish the Southwest Conference still existed and Lindsay Nelson did play-by-play of the Cotton Bowl while wearing one of his signature outrageous blazers.

But time moves on and those days are gone. The reality is we live in a college football world where few care about tradition and money rules the sport more than ever. If NIL and revenue sharing are now legal (there’s that pesky word again), I’m perfectly fine with Ohio State using both of those to the fullest to attract players.

The reason that particular fan base I’ve mentioned is a bit salty about Ohio State’s use of NIL is because, unlike their favorite college football team, the Buckeyes are gaining the upper hand by taking advantage of the rules available.

This fan base feels it is ok to blatantly cheat to gain the upper hand as long as it is their favorite team that benefits. But when it’s their fierce rival using the rules to their advantage, their attitude is, “That’s not fair!” Best team money can buy? That’s fine with me, because it’s….LEGAL.

