Ohio State QB Will Howard's Dr. Pepper ad has to be seen to be believed

The Ohio State quarterback was as silly as possible.
Kirby Lee-Imagn Images

Some things have to be seen to be believed. Even after seeing it, you might need to see it again to be sure of what you’re actually seeing. That perfectly describes Will Howard’s ad for a well-known soft drink. You have to see it to believe it.

Howard’s mugging for the camera is hilarious and gives off a tongue-in-cheek I’m-too-sexy-for-my-shirt vibe. So, it’s not surprising the national champion quarterback is taking a good-natured beating on social media. It’s coming not just from current and former teammates, but even his sister, Tori, and Ryan Day took their shots.

Day said, “Thank God this was done after we won the natty.” But, hey, maybe if Notre Dame had seen Howard’s performance before the game, they’d have been laughing too hard to play. There’s no way Irish defenders would have been able to look across the line of scrimmage and think this guy who they saw giving his best Euro male model impression would be able to beat them.

The best comment may be from Day’s son, R.J., who said, “This sums you up perfectly as a person.” His comment was said in jest, but I think it does speak to who Will Howard is as a person. He is willing to laugh at himself and obviously does not take himself seriously.

How refreshing is that? In a day and age that celebrates unbridled arrogance, out-of-control egos, and extreme narcissism, Howard shows you can be very successful and reach the pinnacle of your sport by being humble.

If Will Howard had not played so well in leading Ohio State to a national title, we’d never be treated to his, um, “performance” in the commercial. So, he has managed to enrich the lives of Buckeye fans in multiple ways. I’ll never understand how some people dislike this guy so much.  

