Those who are fans of the Ohio State Buckeyes know about former Buckeye doctor Richard Strauss. Strauss was accused of sexually abusing over 230 men, mostly wrestlers, during his time as a doctor at The Ohio State University. He worked there from 1978-1998.
Strauss was accused of misbehavior dating back to the early 1970s and plaintiffs in a lawsuit against Ohio State allege that nothing was done. Strauss killed himself in 2005 and OSU has paid out over $60 million in lawsuits by former student-athletes so far.
The university had taken the case to the Supreme Court, hoping they would hear the case and prevent future lawsuits from Strauss’ alleged behavior. The Supreme Court announced they will not be hearing the case, which allows victims to continue to sue the university.
I am not a legal expert by any means, but I know this isn’t what Ohio State was looking for. But if they didn’t want this to happen, they should have taken the allegations about Strauss’ conduct seriously when they were first alerted about it. That would have prevented hundreds of more people from getting victimized.
I love the Ohio State Buckeyes and always will, but this has been a heinous story to follow. I hate that the university I attended and love allowed this sort of thing to happen, even if it was way before my time. Any victim that comes forth and sues has my full support.
Ohio State is not hurting for money so any forthcoming lawsuits should be able to be paid for. Even so, this could get quite expensive for them. Many victims’ suits were put on hold until this decision came down today, so now they can move forward.
Hopefully, this is the last I hear about the horrible abuse that man inflicted on so many people.