There are two different times of the year. The Ohio State football season, and when Buckeye fans are waiting for it to get here.
I know, I know… the start of the 2016 college football season is roughly four months away. For Ohio State football fans, however, it’s never too early to get excited about Buckeye football! The mere mention of Ohio State football is a conversation starter in itself in the state of Ohio.
Avid fans of seeing the blend of scarlet and gray uniforms suit up on the football field on fall Saturdays are counting down the days until the start of the 2016-2017 season. Are you not one of them? Allow me to do the homework for you.
There are only 132 days until the start of the 2016-2017 Ohio State football season. For some, that may be a long way away. But as I’ve gotten older I have come to the realization that that is right around the corner!
So how can Ohio State fans get their fix of Buckeyes football in the meantime? Well, everyone goes about it a different way. Some watch – or in my case, make – hype/pump up videos on YouTube, others watch old games on their DVR, and then there are those who wait for guys like me to write articles online about their beloved Buckeyes.
However one can get their fix of Buckeyes football in, like a crackhead, they will find some way to get it. It’s too broad of a subject, and in Ohio State’s case, too prestigious of a football program for one not to be able to. But even the thought of the many traditions of Ohio State football alone give Ohio State fans things to get excited about.
Being one of the most tradition-enriched programs in all of sports, things such as Carmen Ohio, Buckeye battle cry, the ramp entrance, skull sessions, script Ohio, dotting the “I”, the annual spring game, Buckeye Grove, the “We Don’t Give A Damn For The Whole State Of Michigan” song, the “O-H! I-O!” chant, and forming the O-H-I-O sign with your arms all make football season as special as it is in Columbus, Ohio.
These things along with the satisfaction, joy, and happiness that the sport brings in itself are what practically make Ohio State football a secular religion. All one has to do is google “Ohio State football” and they will find articles about its history, tradition, and dedication to excellence over the course of its existence.
They would also find hundreds of articles about it in the news. And although not all news about the Buckeyes is good news per se, such as the tragic death of former Ohio State All-American defensive lineman Will Smith, it’s still newsworthy and worth knowing.
What’s interesting is the fact that with any news source you will find articles that keep readers intrigued in some way, shape or form by using buzz words, titles, and story lines that peak their interest. Well, you’re welcome Buckeye nation, that’s exactly the purpose that this article serves. Without further ado, here are ten reasons for Buckeyes fans to get excited about this coming season:
Next: The Playmakers